Pixel Vision 8 CalculateDistance() Lua Tutorial
A fast way to calculate the distance between two points.
CalculateDistance ( x0, y0, x1, y1 )
Name | Value | Description |
x0 | int | The first point’s x position. |
y0 | int | The first point’s y position. |
x1 | int | The second point’s x position. |
y1 | int | The second point’s y position. |
Value | Description |
int | Returns an integer for the distance between the two points. |
CalculateDistance Example
In this example, we will calculate the distance between 2 points and use a canvas to visualize it.
Running this code will output the following:
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Step 1
Create a new file called code.lua.{1}
in your project folder.
Step 2
Add the following local
01 local pointA = NewPoint(8, 32)
02 local pointB = NewPoint(248, 232)
03 local canvas = NewCanvas(256, 240)
04 local distance = 0
05 local display = Display()
Step 3
Create a new function
called Init()
06 function Init()
08 end
Step 4
Add the following code to the script
07 canvas:SetStroke(14, 1)
Set the canvas stroke to a white 1x1 pixel brush
Step 5
Create a new function
called Update()
09 function Update(timeDelta)
11 end
Step 6
Add the following code to the script
10 pointB = MousePosition()
Update position B with the MousePosition
Step 7
Add the following condition to the script
11 if(pointB.X > 0 and pointB.Y < display.X and pointB.Y > 0 and pointB.Y < display.Y) then
13 end
Step 8
Add the following code to the condition :
12 distance = CalculateDistance(pointA.x, pointA.y, pointB.x, pointB.x)
Calculate the distance between pointA and pointB
Step 9
Create a new function
called Draw()
15 function Draw()
17 end
Step 10
Add the following code to the script
16 RedrawDisplay()
Redraw the display
Step 11
Add the following code to the script
17 canvas:Clear(0)
Clear the canvas with the background color
Step 12
Add the following code to the script
18 canvas:DrawEllipse(pointA.x - 4, pointA.y - 4, 10, 10)
19 canvas:DrawEllipse(pointB.x - 4, pointB.y - 4, 10, 10)
Draw 2 circles around each point
Step 13
Add the following code to the script
20 canvas:DrawLine(pointA.x, pointA.y, pointB.x, pointB.y)
Draw a line between the two points
Step 14
Add the following code to the script
21 canvas:DrawText(tostring(distance), pointB.x, pointB.y - 12, "small", 14, - 4)
Draw the distance value above pointB
Step 15
Add the following code to the script
22 canvas:DrawPixels()
Draw the canvas to the display
Step 16
Add the following code to the script
23 DrawText("CalculateDistance()", 8, 8, DrawMode.Sprite, "large", 15)
24 DrawText("Lua Example", 8, 16, DrawMode.Sprite, "medium", 15, -4)
Final Code
When you are done, you should have the following code in the code.lua
01 local pointA = NewPoint(8, 32)
02 local pointB = NewPoint(248, 232)
03 local canvas = NewCanvas(256, 240)
04 local distance = 0
05 local display = Display()
06 function Init()
07 canvas:SetStroke(14, 1)
08 end
09 function Update(timeDelta)
10 pointB = MousePosition()
11 if(pointB.X > 0 and pointB.Y < display.X and pointB.Y > 0 and pointB.Y < display.Y) then
12 distance = CalculateDistance(pointA.x, pointA.y, pointB.x, pointB.x)
13 end
14 end
15 function Draw()
16 RedrawDisplay()
17 canvas:Clear(0)
18 canvas:DrawEllipse(pointA.x - 4, pointA.y - 4, 10, 10)
19 canvas:DrawEllipse(pointB.x - 4, pointB.y - 4, 10, 10)
20 canvas:DrawLine(pointA.x, pointA.y, pointB.x, pointB.y)
21 canvas:DrawText(tostring(distance), pointB.x, pointB.y - 12, "small", 14, - 4)
22 canvas:DrawPixels()
23 DrawText("CalculateDistance()", 8, 8, DrawMode.Sprite, "large", 15)
24 DrawText("Lua Example", 8, 16, DrawMode.Sprite, "medium", 15, -4)
25 end